Before you catch up with what is happening with your Xi Xi brothers, please share with us what is new with you by filling out the form below.
All Hands on Deck
Alumni Engagement Matters
The very good news to report to all Xi Xi alumni is that the journey to return to active status at Mizzou has made the “battleship” turn. We are steaming ahead! We now have an active house corporation board of 15 directors, a separate and equally active Alumni Advisory Board, and an Associate Chapter (Colony) of 31 terrific undergraduates with a strong Chapter Advisor.
Collaborative Efforts
We have also established a new working spirit of collaboration with Sigma Chi International and the new Director of the Mizzou Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. We joined the new Missouri Greek Alliance along with many other fraternities, providing us access to best practices, education, university administration dialogue, and collaboration to improve the Greek experience at Mizzou.
By design and alignment around the common goal of creating a new and better Chapter, we are building an alumni organization that is less house corporation-centric. This allows them to focus on our house, property, and finances while serving as the landlord so that the alumni advisors can work directly with the Chapter officers and Chapter operations. With the new alliances and an open collaborative approach, we are not going this alone. Not now, not in the future.
But what we need now is you!
We Need Your Help
There are more opportunities now to be an engaged Xi Xi alumnus. In the coming months and years, we will need new directors, advisors, volunteers on committees, event chairmen—and yes, donors—as we do have a need for fundraising. To the right/left, you will see “88 Ways Alumni Can Engage.” I urge you to find one or more ways to stay, or get back to being, involved. Keep your Sigma Chi spirit of Brotherhood strong! There is no doubt that you will find it rewarding—I have.
To quote Significant Sig John Qualy ’70: “I encourage alumni to get engaged because the connection is Sigma Chi. The connection is Xi Xi Sigma Chi, and that connection will always be there.”
I would love to hear from you to get connected and engaged in today’s Xi Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi.
In hoc,
Dave Knight ’74
House Corporation President
[email protected]
(314) 378-5592