September 27, 2025
One of Mizzou’s oldest traditions, Homecoming calls all those connected to the university back home to support their alma mater. During this week of festivities, Sigma Chi participates in service activities, creates campus decorations, builds a float, and performs a skit and dance. Homecoming bridges generations, welcoming even those farthest removed from the university back with open arms. This reminds all Sigma Chi members that brotherhood is not just four years – it is a lifetime.

Greek Week
Greek Week focuses on developing relationships between IFC (fraternities) and PHA (sororities) through two weeks of competitions and activities in the spring. While the events throughout this period are similar to Homecoming, the purpose is to celebrate Greek Life and build solidarity within the community. Participation in these events is a great way to connect with members of other Greek organizations across campus!

Recruitment Week and Important Dates
Sigma Chi’s mission is to develop transformational leaders who desire to positively impact the world. We operate on a 365-day recruitment cycle – meaning that we actively recruit potential new members all year long! The Delta Associate Chapter also participates in Formal Recruitment events sponsored by IFC. If you or someone you know may be interested in learning more about Sigma Chi, contact Recruitment Chairman David Pearcy!

Derby Days
Sigma Chi’s Derby Days is one of the most iconic philanthropy efforts in the Greek community. Through the Derby Days philanthropy week, Brothers work to bring together sororities, alumni, and members of the community to raise money for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. The Delta Associate Chapter aspires to be a pioneer in the philanthropic world by creating innovative and unique events that engage all members of the community.
Sigma Chi’s signature philanthropy event, Derby Days, calls on all of our brothers, alumni, sororities, and campus community for a week of all-out fundraising for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Derby Days 2024 was the first year the event was brought to campus traditionally, as a competition between sororities. The Delta Associate Chapter raised $5,118, and we hope to go even bigger in the spring of 2025.

It is almost time to celebrate, as our Installation is just around the corner! Our rechartering process began in the spring of 2022 with five men who believed in Sigma Chi. Since then – with the help of representatives from the International Fraternity, generous alumni, and the hard work of our members – we have grown to 45 members and have dedicated ourselves to transforming the Greek community into a more positive, welcoming, and impactful place. Our Installation will reestablish the historic Xi Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi at the University of Missouri, cementing the strong foundation of a fraternity that will change the lives of generations to come.